typeerror: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

typeerror: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

2 min read 02-10-2024
typeerror: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

When programming in Python, encountering errors is a common experience, and one of the frequently seen ones is the TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'. This error indicates that you're trying to perform an addition operation between incompatible data types: an integer (int) and a string (str). In this article, we'll explore this error in detail, look at how to fix it, and provide practical examples.

What Does the Error Mean?

In Python, the + operator serves different purposes depending on the data types involved:

  • Numeric Addition: When both operands are numbers (integers or floats), Python performs arithmetic addition.
  • String Concatenation: When both operands are strings, Python concatenates them (combines them into a single string).

However, if you attempt to mix these two types (an integer and a string), Python raises a TypeError because it cannot determine how to add them together.

Example of the Error

Here's a simple example to illustrate the error:

number = 10
text = " apples"
result = number + text  # This will raise a TypeError

When you run this code, Python will return:

TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'

How to Fix the Error

To resolve this error, you must ensure that both operands are of the same type. Here are a few approaches to doing this:

1. Convert the Integer to a String

If you intend to concatenate the integer with a string, convert the integer to a string using the str() function:

number = 10
text = " apples"
result = str(number) + text  # This will output: '10 apples'

2. Convert the String to an Integer

If you want to perform numeric addition, ensure that the string is convertible to an integer using int(), keeping in mind that it must represent a valid integer:

number = 10
text = "5"
result = number + int(text)  # This will output: 15

3. Use f-Strings for Concatenation

In Python 3.6 and above, you can also use f-strings for easier string formatting:

number = 10
text = "apples"
result = f"{number} {text}"  # This will output: '10 apples'

Best Practices to Avoid the Error

  1. Type Checking: Always check the type of variables before performing operations on them.

    if isinstance(number, int) and isinstance(text, str):
        result = str(number) + text
  2. Use Type Annotations: In functions, use type annotations to indicate expected argument types. This can help catch issues before runtime.

  3. Input Validation: If you're accepting input from users, validate that it matches the expected type before performing operations.


The TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str' is a common mistake in Python programming. By understanding the types of data you're working with and applying the appropriate type conversions, you can avoid this error.

Whenever you find yourself in this situation, refer back to the tips and examples provided. With practice, you will become more adept at managing type compatibility in Python.


This article was inspired by discussions and solutions on Stack Overflow. For further assistance, you may visit the Stack Overflow TypeError Question. Here, many developers share their experiences and fixes regarding similar issues.

Further Reading

By understanding the underlying concepts of data types and performing careful checks and conversions, you can mitigate the risks of encountering TypeError in your Python programming journey. Happy coding!

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