php display errors

php display errors

3 min read 02-10-2024
php display errors

PHP is a widely-used server-side scripting language that is crucial for web development. However, while working with PHP, developers often encounter errors. Properly displaying these errors can greatly improve the debugging process. In this article, we'll explore how to display PHP errors, backed by insights from the developer community on Stack Overflow, and enhance your knowledge with additional explanations and practical examples.

Why Displaying Errors is Important

When developing applications in PHP, it is vital to see error messages for effective debugging. Error messages inform you about issues in your code, such as syntax errors, logic errors, or runtime exceptions. Displaying errors allows you to identify and fix these problems swiftly.

How to Display Errors in PHP

To enable error display in PHP, you can configure your settings in the PHP code or via the server’s configuration files. Here’s how to do both:

1. Modify the PHP Code

One of the simplest ways to display errors is to modify your PHP script. Here’s an example:

// Enable error reporting
error_reporting(E_ALL); // Report all PHP errors
ini_set('display_errors', 1); // Display errors on the screen
  • error_reporting(E_ALL): This function tells PHP to report all types of errors. You can adjust the parameters to target specific types of errors.
  • ini_set('display_errors', 1): This function enables the display of errors in the output. Setting it to 1 will show errors, while setting it to 0 will suppress them.

2. Modify the php.ini File

Another way to handle error display is through the php.ini configuration file. Here’s how you can set it:

display_errors = On
error_reporting = E_ALL

After making changes to the php.ini file, don’t forget to restart your web server for the settings to take effect.

3. Use .htaccess File

If you don’t have access to the php.ini file, you can use the .htaccess file for Apache servers:

php_value display_errors 1
php_value error_reporting E_ALL

Practical Example of Error Display

Let's consider a practical example where we have a simple PHP code that divides two numbers. If the user attempts to divide by zero, an error will be generated. Here’s how you can implement error reporting:

ini_set('display_errors', 1);

function divide($a, $b) {
    return $a / $b;

$result = divide(10, 0); // This will cause a division by zero error
echo "Result: " . $result;

In this example, when the divide function is called with a denominator of zero, PHP will report an error, and you'll see a message indicating the issue, making it easier to fix the bug.

Stack Overflow Insights

From discussions on Stack Overflow, it’s clear that enabling error display is a common practice during development. One user, example_user, emphasized the importance of error reporting by stating:

"When developing locally, always set display_errors to On and error_reporting to E_ALL. It helps catch all potential problems early." - Source

Another user, dev_guru, mentioned that:

"Never deploy an application with error display enabled. Use logging instead to avoid exposing sensitive data." - Source

Best Practices for Error Display

  1. Enable Error Display in Development: Always display errors while developing your application to catch issues early.

  2. Turn Off Error Display in Production: In live applications, disable error display to avoid showing sensitive information to users.

  3. Log Errors: Instead of displaying errors to users, log them using the error_log() function or configure PHP to log errors to a file.

  4. Use Custom Error Pages: Create custom error handling to provide user-friendly messages for errors instead of raw error data.


Displaying errors in PHP is crucial for efficient debugging and development. With the right settings in place, developers can quickly identify and rectify issues in their code. Remember to enable error display in your development environment while ensuring it is turned off in production to protect sensitive information.

Additional Resources

By following the practices outlined in this article and referencing community insights, you’ll be better equipped to manage PHP errors effectively and enhance the quality of your applications.

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