git resolve merge conflict

git resolve merge conflict

3 min read 01-10-2024
git resolve merge conflict


Git is an essential tool for developers, enabling collaborative work on projects. However, one of the challenges that often arises during collaboration is the dreaded merge conflict. In this article, we will explore what merge conflicts are, why they occur, and how to resolve them effectively. We will leverage insights from the developer community on Stack Overflow while adding our own analysis, examples, and best practices.

What is a Merge Conflict?

A merge conflict occurs when Git is unable to automatically resolve differences between two branches that you are trying to merge. This typically happens when changes are made to the same lines of code in both branches. For instance, if you and a teammate both edit a line in the same file, Git will not know which version to keep during the merge process.

Why Do Merge Conflicts Occur?

Merge conflicts usually occur for several reasons:

  1. Simultaneous Edits: Two developers edit the same part of a file independently.
  2. Rebasing: If changes are made to the history of a branch while another developer is working on it, it may lead to conflicts during a merge.
  3. Inconsistent Merge Order: Merging branches in a different order than intended can lead to conflicts.

How to Resolve Merge Conflicts: Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Identify the Conflict

When you attempt to merge branches and conflicts arise, Git will notify you. You can use the following command to see which files have conflicts:

git status

Step 2: Open and Edit the Conflicted Files

Conflicted files will contain conflict markers (<<<<<<<, =======, and >>>>>>>) that indicate the changes from both branches. Here’s an example of what you might see:

<<<<<<< HEAD
This is the version from the current branch.
This is the version from the branch you are trying to merge.
>>>>>>> other-branch

Step 3: Choose the Changes to Keep

Carefully review the code and decide which changes to keep or if you need to combine the changes. Edit the file to remove the conflict markers and keep the desired content.

Step 4: Add and Commit the Resolved Changes

Once you have resolved all conflicts, add the changes to your staging area:

git add <file>

Then commit the changes:

git commit -m "Resolved merge conflict in <file>"

Step 5: Continue Your Workflow

After resolving the conflicts and committing, you can continue with your workflow, whether that's merging another branch or pushing your changes.

Practical Example

Imagine you are working on a project where two branches, feature-1 and feature-2, have diverged. You and your colleague both edited the same line in app.js. When you try to merge feature-2 into feature-1, Git throws a conflict.

Original app.js Code:

console.log("Hello, World!");

Your changes in feature-1:

console.log("Hello from feature-1!");

Your colleague's changes in feature-2:

console.log("Hello from feature-2!");

When you attempt to merge, you'll see:

<<<<<<< HEAD
console.log("Hello from feature-1!");
console.log("Hello from feature-2!");
>>>>>>> feature-2

You might choose to resolve it by combining both messages:

console.log("Hello from feature-1 and feature-2!");

Additional Resources

For more information on resolving merge conflicts, you might find these resources helpful:


Resolving merge conflicts is a crucial skill for any developer working with Git. By following the outlined steps and understanding the reasons behind conflicts, you can minimize disruptions to your workflow. Remember, clear communication with your team can also significantly reduce the frequency of merge conflicts.

If you have further questions or need more specific advice on merge conflicts, consider visiting Stack Overflow, where you can find a wealth of community insights and practical examples.


By mastering these techniques, you’ll be better prepared to handle merge conflicts, ensuring smooth collaboration and maintaining productivity in your development projects.

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