bash loop through array

bash loop through array

3 min read 02-10-2024
bash loop through array

When working with scripts in Bash, one common task is iterating through arrays. Arrays in Bash are powerful tools that allow you to manage collections of data efficiently. This article explores how to loop through arrays in Bash by leveraging insights from Stack Overflow, along with additional explanations and practical examples.

What Are Arrays in Bash?

Before diving into loops, let’s clarify what an array is in Bash. An array is a variable that can hold multiple values, each indexed by a number. Unlike conventional variables, which can store a single piece of data, arrays allow you to store a series of elements, making data handling much more efficient.

Declaring an Array

You can declare an array in Bash using the following syntax:

my_array=(value1 value2 value3)

Accessing Array Elements

You can access individual elements of an array using their index. For example:

echo ${my_array[0]}  # Outputs: value1

Looping Through Arrays in Bash

Let’s explore different methods to loop through arrays in Bash, using questions and answers from Stack Overflow for reference.

Method 1: Using a for Loop

One of the most straightforward ways to loop through an array is using a for loop.


my_array=("apple" "banana" "cherry")

for fruit in "${my_array[@]}"; do
    echo "$fruit"



This method iterates over each element in the array my_array and prints it to the terminal.

Method 2: Using for with Indices

You may want to access array elements via their indices directly. This can be particularly useful when you also need the index number.


my_array=("apple" "banana" "cherry")

for i in "${!my_array[@]}"; do
    echo "Index $i: ${my_array[i]}"


Index 0: apple
Index 1: banana
Index 2: cherry

The ! operator is used to get the array’s indices, which allows you to loop through each index while accessing the corresponding array element.

Method 3: While Loop with read

Another way to loop through an array is to use a while loop in combination with the read command. This method can be helpful for dynamically generated data.


my_array=("apple" "banana" "cherry")
printf "%s\n" "${my_array[@]}" | while read fruit; do
    echo "$fruit"



Practical Scenarios for Looping Through Arrays

Scenario 1: Processing User Input

Let’s say you want to gather user input for a list of tasks. You can easily store these tasks in an array and iterate through them.

echo "Enter your tasks (type 'done' to finish):"

while true; do
    read task
    [[ "$task" == "done" ]] && break

echo "Your tasks are:"
for task in "${tasks[@]}"; do
    echo "$task"

Scenario 2: Performing Operations on Array Elements

You might need to perform operations on each element of an array, such as calculations or modifications.

numbers=(1 2 3 4 5)

for num in "${numbers[@]}"; do
    ((sum += num))

echo "The sum of the array is: $sum"  # Outputs: 15


Looping through arrays in Bash is a fundamental skill that enhances your scripting capabilities. Whether you're processing user input or performing operations on data, understanding how to manipulate arrays effectively will save you time and effort.

By leveraging the examples and methods discussed in this article, along with additional insights, you can enhance your Bash scripting skills significantly. Practice these techniques to become proficient in using arrays in your projects!


Feel free to experiment with these examples and adapt them to your specific use case! Happy scripting!

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